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Heart, Mind & Soul Therapy


Counselling is referred to as a talking therapy and you may perhaps, already be aware that there are different approaches within Counselling. For example, one that has gained a lot of attention is CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) but there are others. 


As we are all unique, I believe that we each have individual needs and preferences. Therefore, while I keep to a Person Centred framework, I am an "Integrative Counsellor", which means that I can draw on various theories (such as Humanistic, Cognitive-Behavioural and Psychodynamic), based on what feels right for you.


Carl Rogers is the name most associated with "the Person-Centred Approach". He believed that given the right environment, everyone is capable of reaching their full potential and becoming their "true self" rather than living behind a façade.


For those with no prior experience of counselling, it is generally believed that the counsellor will sort out a client’s issues. However, no-one else knows exactly what it is like to be you or to live your life and so as a person-centred counsellor, I believe that you, not I, are the expert on yourself.

The counsellor isn’t the one directing the sessions, the counsellor is there to support and encourage you to explore the issues that brought you here along with your feelings, beliefs and your worldview so that you can become more self-aware.


I am genuine, empathic and accept you for who you are. You won’t be judged, no matter what you bring to your sessions. This is at the root of building a trusting relationship so that you can feel able to talk about whatever you need to.


A person-centred counsellor will help you to realise what support and resources are available to you to aid in working through your concerns. This will assist in building your self-confidence, helping you to understand that you always have options and achieving greater independence.

Ultimately, you will discover your own abilities so that you can face your problems today and in the future.


I take an holistic approach, and believe that it is important to remember that your emotional, mental and physical health have a combined influence on your overall well-being. As such, I am responsive to you and your needs in each session.


Row of Colored Pencils

“It is the client who knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been deeply buried”

Carl Rogers

Heart, Mind & Soul Therapy

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